Saturday, November 8, 2014


Hello friends. Just wanting to let you know that I'm not neglecting you. I'm participating in National Novel Writing Month. That's right, I'm finally actually writing that story that's been kicking around in my head for the last decade or so.

My story is going in some directions that I hadn't foreseen. Also, 50,000 words is a lot of words! I'm currently at about 10,000, and it's been tough! Thank you for your patience.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Phoebe turns 5

Phoebe's birthday is actually tomorrow, but we celebrated it today. She had a great time painting birdhouses with her friends!
We got them at Michael's Craft Store for $1 each. The kids were totally focused for about 45 minutes.
Then they ate cupcakes.
All-in-all, a pretty great day!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Creative writing with a four year old - Blackcup and Greencup Find Each Other

Once upon a time there were two little butterflies and two bears.They lived in a toy room. The butterflies were Zuzu and Arvries. The bears were Blackcup and Greencup.
They liked to sit on the top of the toybox everyday. They liked to watch the children play.
They liked the children to pick them up and play with them. They liked to be together.
They never wanted to be apart.
One day, Greencup looked around and could not see Blackcup. She went out looking for him. He was not under the couch, or behind the door. Greencup looked everywhere for Blackcup. She could not find him. He was nowhere to be found. She looked on the highest shelves.
She went outside to see if he was there. She went to the highest skyscrapers across the street. He was not there. She looked on another one. He was not there. She looked on all the skyscrapers in the small town. He was not there.
She found him hiding in the toybox.

The end.

Monday, September 15, 2014


We were looking through our recycling bin for ideas for a project, and happened on an egg carton. 
I remembered making caterpillars out of them when I was a kid, but Phoebe wasn't having that. They had to be butterflies!
So we poked holes for pipe cleaner antennae, drew smiley faces, and cut and colored paper wings. We glued the wings on, and once the glue dried we folded them down. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Phoebe Says

Awhile back, I started keeping track of the outrageous things that come out of Phoebe's mouth. This file has been kicking around on my computer for awhile. Now I'm sharing it with you. I give you Phoebe Says...

Winter 2011
Momma, I need tissue. My nose is runnin' around!

What time is it? It's two three minutes!

What time is it? It's two three months!

I not you friend no more! Good bye!

Abigail is my stister!

Don't kiss my keeks. That's not safe!

I not so big! I so little!

Let's step in the poodle! It's fun!

'Cause that's so great!

Not that shoe, the other one shoe!

I need my beautiful shoes!

I wanna watch Bepunzel. No, Kulan!

Don't call me beautiful baby!

Chugga pugga choo shoo! Forever! Never ever!

Never ever! Good bye!

I need sticky tape please. My body's broken!

I not pretty 'cause I'm naked.

We're sharing together!

Snuggling is fun!

I don't want to taste it – I want to eat it!

You not a little girl momma. You a big girl. I a little girl.

The swing sounds like a baby elephant!

Eat my keeks!

Don't eat my keeks – give 'em back!

My daddy works at the animal zoo to take care of the penguins because he loves them.

Lek me go!

I want my packpack!

Help! Help! My ankle is broken!

I do it myself.

I need sprinkles on my lips!

Collin's so yucky and Kenny's so yucky and my so yucky!

You will never use my hair again!

We maked it with tape-and-glue and sprinkles!

Good bye for never ever!

Don't step in the poodle. I got my beautiful shoes.

I make Phoebe footsteps and Momma footsteps!

It's in the bafume!

You will never use my hair again! For never ever!

You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I'm the bad guy. For never ever!

Did you burfed?

I want to watch Cururous George!

You a Momma Phoebe butt.

I don't want pants, I just wanna be in my legs.

Can I play the pinano?

I do it my own!

Put you arm down and tickle my butt!

Bouncing Bagels!

I want doo-doo-doo-doo-Dora!

I'll be right back, in just a couple time.

Wait! I gotta tell you a question!

I burped in my diapy.

I'm a beautiful girl, and Abigail is a beautiful girl, and you a beautiful girl Momma.

I don't want to calm down!

I not whining – I crying.

I need a bandage for my boo-boo so I can feel better.

There's no pee pee in my buns.

Am I bigger enough yet?

Don't get my tiny little butt!

I'm big up to the sky like Daddy!

I need my sweeping horse.

I carry myself!

I burfed in my diaper and it made my tummy rumble.

I feel really a lot yucky.

I not bisgusting!

I a baby bear!

I'm a little poopy head!

He's bery tinety.

Ants are so tinety! They're so cute!

Daddy! Open your head! (she meant mouth)

I misseded you!

Do you hear me twinkling?

You scared the cwap outta me!

My hands have ham soup all over them! (after eating a slice of deli ham)

You crack me up!

That's bisterical!

Oh pickles!

I pooped! What shape is it?

I need a sponge and a hot dog.

When I get my fur like Daddy?

I like baby sola!

Waller (water)

Do you has to poop?

I'm a king. Kings don't love moms. Kings don't love anyone.
Well, baby kings love momma kings and daddy kings.

“Honey, honey, how he grills me”

“Mama mia, my my, how could I forgive you”

My shoe is being a poop!

I'm gonna punch your ass!

My belly is getting big! And my nipples!

Is my body full enough with water? I think so, why? Because I'm thirsty.

I not a sweet potata. I'm Phoebe Elizabeth Oviatt-Mull.

I have baby nipples. When I get bigger will I have Momma nipples?

Did my penis falled off?

Can you change the ga-channel please?

Are you making a girl princess, or a boy princess?

That stinks my nose.

You scared the pasta out of me!

Where is that scurvy big witch that turned the mermaids voice down?

Momma, you're a damn-it!

I want to be a princess when I grow up.

I'm big huge because I growed. Look!

When I grow up I'm gonna marry Collin. Or Grampa.

Oh my cow!

You scared the pasta out of my genitals!

I like my kitchen so badly!

You 'dopted me when I was teeny tinety, right? Or did I crack out of Momma's tummy?

Spring 2013
My butt is scribbling at me.

Abbie, you're unhappying the cat!

Look! They like meach other!

When did I hatch out of your tummy, Momma?

Momma, can I rip your throat out?

I'm large. Well, I'm a little large.

I'm so sad because my thlowers are dead. Why are they dead?Because I pickeded them.

Food goes down my throat, across my blood stream to my foots. Then tiny peoples come out my mouth and I poop all over the ground. Right Momma?

My buns don't like panties.

Can I please see under your buns?

Daddy, can I watch you shave? Sure Are you gonna shave your belly, too?

Friday, May 23, 2014

Fun With Peanut Butter

We made peanut butter play dough today.  So easy, and so fun!
A snack and a toy, all in one. 
One part peanut butter
One part powered sugar
1/2 part honey
Stir together until mixed well. I usually end up using my hands to get it smooth. If it's too sticky, add a little powdered sugar. 
That's it!
Playing is serious business. 

Friday, April 11, 2014


Phoebe : Momma, why do girl dogs over heat and have drops of blood from their genitals?

Me : Uummmm - should we go get some ice cream?

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Phoebe is obsessed with a certain snowy princess movie these days. She walks around the house singing the songs from it at the top of her voice.
Yesterday, she decided she wanted bangs like the sisters.
She's very pleased with them!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Well, it wasn't sunny, but at 50 degrees who cares? We had to get outside for a while. Drawing with chalk was the perfect excuse!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Building Castles

Our local library has a wonderful children's area. It was pretty packed when we got there, but shortly after, we found we had the room to ourselves. We had a great time building with the foam rubber blocks! Phoebe loves knocking them over as much as she loves stacking them up.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Playing with clay

We made home made clay today.  I have to say it was one of the easier clay recipes we've tried.

We used 1 cup flour, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup salt, 1 tbsp cream of tartar, food coloring, and glitter. We made a lovely light pink with silver and purple sparkles.

I've found that if we do our playing on cookie sheets, it helps to corral the mess. Yay!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Cuddling with a friend

Phoebe and her best friend, Anya.


We made paint today.
Being 4, Phoebe makes messes, puts stuff in her mouth, feeds it to the dog ... you get the idea. So I wanted cheap, nontoxic paint with bright colors and easy to clean up.

Enter milk paint! I mixed 1/2 cup milk with 6 tbsp powdered sugar. Then I poured it into an ice cube tray to add the color. I used gel food coloring, and as you can see the colors are fantastic!


One day when she was three, Phoebe was sitting on my lap, all snuggled up on the couch. She kissed my cheek, rested her head against me, and in her sweet little voice asked me, "Mama, can I rip out your throat?"


One night we were taking a ride in the car.

Phoebe:I see a star!

Me: Make a wish! Starlight, star bright...

Phoebe: Mama, that's my wish!

Me: I wasn't going to steal your wish, I was just saying the rhyme!

Phoebe: NO! Mama, I wished we had lots and lots of flowers in our garden.

No wonder she didn't want me to take her wish. Mine would have been lame compared to that!

Career choices

Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Phoebe: A fairy.

Me: Well, that's cool. What about to make money?

Phoebe: Oh, I'll just work at McDonald's.

Ok then.

Meet Phoebe

This is Phoebe. She's 4.
Phoebe is my "What do you mean I'm pregnant at 35?" baby. I know, you're asking why that is a big deal. I'll tell you why. Our youngest was 11. That's right. We had two teens, and an almost teen.
Phoebe was a big surprise. I didn't take the news well, initially.

But here we are, and I'm so glad she's joined our family!