Thursday, February 27, 2014

Building Castles

Our local library has a wonderful children's area. It was pretty packed when we got there, but shortly after, we found we had the room to ourselves. We had a great time building with the foam rubber blocks! Phoebe loves knocking them over as much as she loves stacking them up.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Playing with clay

We made home made clay today.  I have to say it was one of the easier clay recipes we've tried.

We used 1 cup flour, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup salt, 1 tbsp cream of tartar, food coloring, and glitter. We made a lovely light pink with silver and purple sparkles.

I've found that if we do our playing on cookie sheets, it helps to corral the mess. Yay!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Cuddling with a friend

Phoebe and her best friend, Anya.


We made paint today.
Being 4, Phoebe makes messes, puts stuff in her mouth, feeds it to the dog ... you get the idea. So I wanted cheap, nontoxic paint with bright colors and easy to clean up.

Enter milk paint! I mixed 1/2 cup milk with 6 tbsp powdered sugar. Then I poured it into an ice cube tray to add the color. I used gel food coloring, and as you can see the colors are fantastic!


One day when she was three, Phoebe was sitting on my lap, all snuggled up on the couch. She kissed my cheek, rested her head against me, and in her sweet little voice asked me, "Mama, can I rip out your throat?"


One night we were taking a ride in the car.

Phoebe:I see a star!

Me: Make a wish! Starlight, star bright...

Phoebe: Mama, that's my wish!

Me: I wasn't going to steal your wish, I was just saying the rhyme!

Phoebe: NO! Mama, I wished we had lots and lots of flowers in our garden.

No wonder she didn't want me to take her wish. Mine would have been lame compared to that!

Career choices

Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Phoebe: A fairy.

Me: Well, that's cool. What about to make money?

Phoebe: Oh, I'll just work at McDonald's.

Ok then.

Meet Phoebe

This is Phoebe. She's 4.
Phoebe is my "What do you mean I'm pregnant at 35?" baby. I know, you're asking why that is a big deal. I'll tell you why. Our youngest was 11. That's right. We had two teens, and an almost teen.
Phoebe was a big surprise. I didn't take the news well, initially.

But here we are, and I'm so glad she's joined our family!